2019 Community Survey Snapshot
Jan 14, 2020
Each year, we conduct a Community Survey to evaluate our work in an effort to better understand the community’s priorities for the neighborhood. Thank you to the 300+ Flatiron neighbors who shared feedback last fall. The Partnership’s work through five programmatic areas – Clean Streets, Public Safety, Social Services & Homeless Outreach, Streetscape Beautification, and Marketing – all received strong approval ratings from respondents. Below is a snapshot of a few key findings and insightful takeaways:
1. Respondents requested more public art and community programming in Flatiron. The Flatiron Public Plazas were frequently mentioned as the preferred venue for programming including live performances and open streets events akin to Car Free Earth Day and Park Avenue Summer Streets.
2. Flatiron is green, and neighbors want more! Requests for additional street trees and seasonal plantings were submitted in large numbers, and the Partnership’s hanging flower baskets (located on 115 district streetlight poles) program was a community favorite. More shade umbrellas and additional tables and chairs on the Public Plazas were mentioned, too.
3. Along those lines, sustainability and resilience is top-of-mind in Flatiron. Respondents requested more and convenient recycling and composting outlets in the public realm, and ‘green’ educational events are wanted to reduce carbon footprints in the neighborhood.
4. Our long-time partnership with Urban Pathways was recognized as “very important” by a record 84.1% of respondents. The two-person outreach team works with individuals living without shelter to understand and address their specific needs with the goal of permanent housing.
5. The majority of respondents (73.2%) stay up-to-date on all things Flatiron via the Partnership’s weekly newsletter, with Instagram a close second (currently 23,700 followers). Our website, FlatironDistrict.NYC, was also frequently cited as a neighborhood resource.