14th Annual Meeting Recap – What Happens Next
Sep 21, 2020
The Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership Business Improvement District (BID) celebrated 14 years of service at its Annual Meeting on Wednesday, September 16th. For the first time the event was held virtually, with more than 130 people in attendance. Amid the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic the event, along with the Partnership’s Annual Report, were themed “What Happens Next.”
“Flatiron and NoMad are still the lively and vibrant places you’ve helped create and always known them to be,” said Partnership Executive Director James Mettham in his State of the District presentation. “The one thing we do know is that this neighborhood is a great place to be on. We’re rethinking and reopening safely and thoughtfully, undaunted by what are undoubtedly challenging times for everyone, and we’re doing this in collaboration with all of you. We are ready to welcome you and hope you are ‘All in Flatiron’ and ‘All in NoMad.’”
The event featured remarks from Partnership Board Chair Michael Cohen and Baruch College President Dr. S. David Wu, who said he wants the college’s faculty, staff, and students to lend their expertise to aid local small businesses. NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) Commissoner Jonnel Dorris also spoke and commented on the positive impact the Partnership has had on the neighborhood through the pandemic, and how the services provided are now more important than ever.
“BIDs work to keep our communities alive and our [business] corridors vibrant. We thank the BID for pushing forward with plans for expansion, which we support, to bring necessary services to important commercial corridors that are needed at this time,” said Commissioner Doris. “New York City means business. Our small businesses are strong, they’re tough, and they’re coming back”
After the Partnership elected members to its Board of Directors and approved the FY 2021 budget, the meeting concluded with a presentation from Dag Folger and Peter Knutson of longtime Flatiron-based architecture and design firm A+I titled “What Happens Next — The Workplace,” focused on the future of workplaces in Flatiron and NoMad. The team shared their video “The Evolution of the Workplace” to start visualizing new solutions around an increasingly mobile workforce.