New Neighbor: Power Pilates Flatiron Terrace
Oct 16, 2020
Power Pilates, the 25 year-old leading educator of classical Pilates, has opened a new boutique location at 327 Park Ave South, 2nd Floor: the Flatiron Terrace With a network of 110 training centers in 10 countries, Power Pilates guides clients through controlled, precise movements designed to stretch and strengthen muscle without adding bulk.
“After a 5-year hiatus from the neighborhood, Power Pilates is proud to be back in the district that helped make the company an icon of the Pilates industry,” said Ali Matlock, Chief Operating Officer. “Flatiron is known as the center of the city’s fitness and active lifestyle explosion. Having a strong presence in this hub is important as the city reemerges into an even more health-conscious community.”
Studio space for private or semi-private classes.
Power Pilates is accessible to a wide range of clients, whether that be athletes and dancers, people seeking physical rehabilitation, or people who just want to give Pilates a try! Because all exercises are developed with modifications, everyone is more than welcome regardless of age, body type, or ability. Instructors are highly knowledgeable, and a variety of classes are available including mat, tower, or reformer classes based on your experience level, which can be private, semi-private, or small group outdoor classes.
To stay safe during COVID-19, Power Pilates has numerous safety guidelines and systems in place. A cleaning and hygiene system for all mats and pieces of equipment ensures that every piece of apparatus is disinfected prior to each and every use. Air purifiers and HEPA air filtering systems are installed, and disposable or Power Pilates breathable masks are available. All clients are required to wear face coverings, have their temperature checked, answer questions for contact tracing, and maintain 6 feet distance from other clients and staffers. The studio has a No Touch Policy – meaning Power Pilates masked trainers are currently forbidden to touch any client.
Terrace for outdoor classes.
The studio features an outdoor terrace on which open-air small-group mat classes can be conducted without the worry and fears related to indoor training. With all of these safety precautions in place, clients can rest assured when visiting Power Pilates. Live Pilates classes are also available.
“Having a strong fitness regimen especially during these challenging times is paramount to staying healthy. We look forward to introducing the benefits of Pilates to the neighborhood and becoming a part of that community for years to come,” continued Matlock.
Power Pilates Flatiron Terrace is open from 7 am to 8 pm daily. New private clients will receive an introductory discount of 25% for a limited time.
Power Pilates Flatiron Terrace, 327 Park Ave South, 2nd Floor, 212-627-5878