Susanna Woodley, Area Director of Sales, The Assemblage
Feb 14, 2020
Meet Susanna Woodley, Area Director of Sales of The Assemblage, a co-working space with two locations in the neighborhood: NoMad on 114 East 25th Street, and Park Avenue South between 24th and 25th Streets. “Our intention,” says Woodley about each location, “is to create spaces to uplift and transform the way you work and how you feel about working.”
1. The Assemblage NoMad and Park Avenue South locations offer clients flexible co-working spaces and private offices. The workspaces are “intentionally designed to foster personal and professional transformation.” Tell us more.
We incorporated biophilic design into all of The Assemblage houses. Studies show having natural elements within the space, for example, plants, living moss walls, natural materials, help to reduce stress and anxiety, which, of course, is bound to affect how you engage with one another, how you approach or conduct professional meetings, how it increases your productivity levels–all because of our custom surroundings.
2. Community is a strong tenant of The Assemblage’s philosophy. Describe the curation of nightly cultural programming to encourage the active participation of members. What programs and events are most popular?
Our dynamic programming brings a new dimension to social interaction. Our mass sound meditations and biohacking events always pack the houses with members and their guests. Having innovative speakers in the blockchain space, science, sustainability, or social impact themes in business are also quite popular. Programming is the gateway to members coming, sharing ideas, learning, and interacting with one another and collaborating. Matter of fact, most of our events are curated, hosted or are co-produced by our members. It’s so important for us to offer that kind of platform to our community.
3. The Assemblage spaces are dedicated to supporting the health and wellness of your members. Offerings include meditation rooms, rooftop gardens, and botanical cafés. How does wellness add value to a workplace?
Good question! It’s no secret that the hustle culture in New York City can be both mentally and physically unhealthy. The Assemblage was one of the first to really incorporate wellness into a collaborative workspace environment to help counteract that. Our members can take 30 minutes in the Gong Room for a breathwork class, make healthy food decisions throughout the day since the café always has seasonal, organic and locally sourced options, relax with a quick Vitamin D break outside on our sunny, plant-filled rooftop, end their day with our cacao ceremonies–all of these wellness components are invaluable in the workplace.
4. What types of business sectors gravitate toward the space?
The sheer variety of businesses in this neighborhood are amazing! Our community is a home to creative/brand agencies, blockchain consultants, software developers, architects, interior designers, fintech startups, health practitioners, sustainable fashion and food enterprises…it’s less about what type of businesses gravitates toward us and more so the type of mindful space they want to align themselves and their business with.
5. How does your role as The Assemblage’s Area Director of Sales differ from a typical sales job?
Other sales jobs can be harsh and extremely competitive. Having access to these beautiful Assemblage houses allows me to escape the sales grind mentality and more importantly, provides the opportunity to lead a sales team with better focus and clarity without feeling anxious. I can honestly say that no matter what is going on in my day, my shoulders immediately drop down when I enter these houses. Maybe it’s the palo santo we use–haha!
6. Tell us why the Flatiron District was the ideal neighborhood for two Assemblage locations.
We opened in the Fall of 2017. The Flatiron area was ideal because it’s one of the most desirable neighborhoods for startups, entrepreneurs, and even large established companies. This neighborhood has everything a business, large or small, could want. The parks, restaurants, shops, etc., and it is incredibly easy to get to from any part of town. We wanted to create an oasis, focused on wellness and nature, in the middle of the action where it was needed the most! If you are located at either of our Flatiron houses, your business is automatically in one of the topmost desirable districts in the world–that is very valuable to our members.
7. Sales and the hospitality business are competitive industries. What led you to consider this type of career? What’s the best advice that you can offer to those who are interested in pursuing this profession?
When I first started my career in sales, it was completely by accident. I was in a member service role and my boss at the time said that I had a knack for effortlessly developing relationships with people, a common trait she mostly saw in sales professionals. So that obviously stuck with me and I made the transition into sales. I felt good to pursue a career that was pretty much aligned with my personality.
As for advice, first, diversify your networking and social circles. You would be surprised to learn that there are sales roles–some less traditional than others–in just about every business. Also, you have to believe in whatever it is you are selling. If not, you will just come across inauthentic. Motto: If you are not into it, don’t try to sell it.
8. When it’s time to grab a bite, where do you like to dine in the neighborhood? Do you have a go-to dish?
Oh man…so many. My go-to: The Little Beet Table. Guilty pleasure: Lady M Connections.
9. Outside of your venue, what do you consider a “must-see” or “must-do” hidden gem in the community?
A “must-see” is any art installation happening at Madison Square Park. I’m still in awe of Diana Al-Hadid’s work from two years ago! A “must-do” would be a visit to the Museum of Sex, LOL! Its playful, informative and always eye-opening.
10. Finally, choose three words to describe the Flatiron District.
Evolving. Architecture. Connection.